I Am In Service To Help Others (#219)

I am in service to help others. This is my calling and this is the code I feel I live by. Have you found your calling? I truly hope you have and that you are pursuing it each and every day. The reward is much grander than any money you… Continue reading

How To Deal With Difficult Emotions (#218)

Dealing with our emotions can always be difficult especially if we aren’t in tune with them naturally in the first place. Many of us grow up without really having a good grasp on what our emotions are and where they come from. I myself grew up not really understanding them,… Continue reading

Self-Improvement Guide Part 3 (#217)

We are now in a self-improvement/self-development world where many of us just feel overwhelmed by the amount of stuff thrown at us saying to do this or do that to make our lives better. Be better. There are so many resources available to us all the time that we just… Continue reading

Self-Improvement Guide Part 2 (#216)

We are now in a self-improvement/self-development world where many of us just feel overwhelmed by the amount of stuff thrown at us saying to do this or do that to make our lives better. Be better. There are so many resources available to us all the time that we just… Continue reading

Self-Improvement Guide Part 1 (#215)

We are now in a self-improvement/self-development world where many of us just feel overwhelmed by the amount of stuff thrown at us saying to do this or do that to make our lives better. Be better. There are so many resources available to us all the time that we just… Continue reading

Best Type Of Productivity Apps To Keep You On Track (#214)

Today we chat about productivity apps. Yep, it’s time to get back to work and stop messing around. When people talk about apps on today’s mobile devices they are usually talking about nonproductive apps. The time-wasting apps. Those are ok for every now and then, but please be honest with… Continue reading

On Repeat (#213)

Many of us do the same things over and over again that may not be serving us the way we need. Those things could be bad habits. We pick up bad habits and other habits over time and we may not know exactly where they came from. Possibly from when… Continue reading

5 Habits Succesful People Have To Start And Win The Day (#212)

Are you striving for success? Success means different things to different people and that’s okay, but to me, there is one magic ingredient that needs to be mastered regardless of whether it is internal success or external success. I will give you this one super magical ingredient absolutely free! No… Continue reading

Under Promise And Over Deliver (#211)

Under promise and over deliver. This is something I learned many, many years ago when I was in the car business. To me, this statement has way more uses than just for sales. It is a great core statement that when applied in the right areas of your life, it… Continue reading

Takes One Person To Change Your Life (#210)

It takes one person to change your life! This can be such a beautiful thing. I watched a movie the other day about a little Elementary school boy from Mexico who wanted to become an astronaut. Remember when you were a kid and the teachers would ask what did you… Continue reading