Attack With Tactical Empathy (#250)

Attack!!! We are now going to deploy new methods of empathy. Now more than ever we need as many people out there trying to do the right thing for others. We need caring and empathetic people to get things going. Is that you?! The world is hurting still and I… Continue reading

What Bothers Me About My Industry (#249)

I am a little bothered by my industry. But why? I am in what I like to say is the “Happiness Business.” I believe I have created a new industry title! I have actually never heard of it before. Many call it self-help, self-development, internal work, and so on.  There… Continue reading

What Did You Do?: Cause And Effect (#248)

We’ve heard this many times through the years. But most of us recognize it in the scientific point as it relates to the Universe and all of that cool stuff. In this post, we will discuss cause and effect as it pertains to Ridiculously Enjoy Life. This will be the… Continue reading

Time vs. Money (#245)

“I don’t have enough time in the day to do the things that I want!”How many times have you heard this or have actually said it yourself? I bet a lot! Time is very, very important and many of us just don’t use it the way we should. In this… Continue reading

Each One, Teach One (#242)

Each one, teach one! This is a term I have been using for many years and absolutely value it. Seems simple enough and easy to understand. Each person should teach another person something! Sounds about right don’t you think?! I recall hearing this back in the early 90’s in South… Continue reading

21 Grounding Techniques That Will Help Calm Your Racing Thoughts (#241)

Do you have racing thoughts? Sure, we all do! Our minds are like time machines. We are constantly in our heads traveling back to the past reliving memories or on a super highway in the future thinking about what could be. Many times it causes us anxiety especially if it’s… Continue reading

How To Manage Time Effectively (#239)

 Are you efficient with your time? Do you even know if you are or aren’t? I sure didn’t. I had no clue. Time management is critical these days. We have piled so much on our plates I don’t even think we know where to start. My whole life I have… Continue reading

Ridiculously Enjoy Life (#238)

I started Ridiculously Enjoy Life (REL for short) in late 2019 to help others the best way I could. My main goal is for the site to afford each of you some good and healthy resources for bettering yourselves and achieving inner success on your own terms. Nothing but goodness… Continue reading

Planned Obsolescence (#236)

Are we making too many products that will be obsolete within a short period of time? Yep, we sure do. We have become such a consumer-driven society that things are constantly changing and supplies are being depleted at an extreme pace. Planned obsolescence has been around for decades now. Our… Continue reading