Psychologically Fit (#194)

Are you psychologically fit? Hmmm. You may be physically fit and ripped like those people you see at the gym, but is your mental state comparable? Most people never think of this. They believe what they learned in adolescence and the sprinkles of stuff along the way are sufficient for… Continue reading

9 Money Saving Tips To Get You Started (#193)

Money saving tips I wish I would have had when I was starting out. Why aren’t we taught good and healthy financial strategies when we are in school? We are taught Algebra. Pretty sure I never used that one in my life. Money is used by all, so I think… Continue reading

Did You Become Your Idol (#192)

Who was my idol? I have no freakin clue! Perhaps it was my mother that did it as a single parent and in the ARMY. She was a rock star and still is! But to truly dive into it I don’t really believe so. My mom was a different type… Continue reading

I Got Into Trouble Part 1 (#190)

I got into trouble. It wasn’t your everyday type of trouble like with your parents or at school. It was much bigger than that. That trouble weighed on my soul for many, many moons. Getting into trouble sucks, especially if you are a good person. A teacher sending you to… Continue reading

Are You Surviving Or Are You Thriving (#188)

Are you surviving or are you thriving? This is a serious question. Many of us are just barely running on steam and we have been that way for many years. Do you feel you are living your best life? If not, we sure need to kick things into high gear!… Continue reading

TAG You’re It (#186)

TAG, you’re it! But wait I wasn’t ready! Such a fun game when I was a kid. You ran, you laughed, and it was just infectious. When we were tagged we hauled butt to the next person to tag them. That’s the game, you connect with someone (literally) and then… Continue reading

Not Everything Is Sunshine (#185)

Not everything will be sunshine and rainbows. Things won’t always be ok and that is a big piece of the pie that most people wrestle with. I am a part of it as well and it is absolutely frustrating. The sunshine ends and then comes night. Likewise so does happiness…. Continue reading

You Are Not The Darkness You Endured (#184)

You are not the darkness you endured. We all have been through ups and downs much like a roller coaster. But do you stay at your lowest low or will you reach for the sky? I say, “Fly Robyn, fly!” “You are not the darkness you endured.  You are the… Continue reading

Seek To Understand (#183)

Seek to understand. This is a wonderful story of a young man who has compassion and freely gives it out. It is I! I do my very best in life to truly try to seek to understand the root of things. By nature I am curious and I love the… Continue reading

How Efficient Are We (#182)

How efficient are you? For me, I really sucked at many years ago mostly in part of the fact that I didn’t have a rhythm. I thought I was extremely efficient because I gave my all. I gave my all always without fail, with no exceptions. That’s apparently not how… Continue reading