Quitters never win and winners never quit. Hmmm. Let’s take a look at this statement as a whole. There is something called, strategic quitting that I believe is crucial for one’s journey that not many people understand fully nor even talk about. 

Strategic quitting for me is a mental process developed over time to eradicate unnecessary things. But we were always told to never quit anything. I know this is confusing for me as well. When we set goals in life there are always odd things that show up and cause detours and distractions. Things that we may have never foreseen. It is up to us to isolate certain things that are getting in the way in the interest of continuing on our journeys. 

We need to learn how to be efficient and productive in as many areas of our lives as we can. Having big dreams means we need to make big decisions. Many times we waste so much energy and time trying to reach solutions without really considering that we may never have had to even solve a certain problem in the first place.

Meaning, we need to really consider how we problem solve, how we gather info, and how we make commitments. Some things may be unnecessary. This will be a skill that we will have to develop over time. We may need to quit doing something that may be getting in the way. If something truly isn’t working then we may need to create a strategy to quit it. A good example of this may be a failing business venture. 

Sadly it may not be meant to be and we must realize that our time and efforts should always be considered sacred. You may be sucking up way too much of your resources in an effort to patch things up along the way. The patchwork will eventually fall off and you’ll be left with an open wound if you will. This isn’t easy to do because interestingly there may be some odd chance that it could succeed. You have to weigh things out and be realistic with yourself first and foremost. Strategic quitting is important when there are too many obstacles. 

Some things that we should strategically quit may not even be our initial venture. It could be things that we are dedicating our time and resources to that are slowing or stopping us from reaching our original goal. If you have started a business, project, or goal then you may more than likely need to put a whole lot of time and energy into it. 

You may be the type of person that volunteers your time to certain causes or you may have just spread yourself thin with lots of commitments. Donating your time to certain causes is great and we should all be a part of the bigger picture, but do try to create a healthy balance. You may have to put those commitments on hold for a bit until you can get a better footing on what you are trying to accomplish. It’s ok to say no.


It takes a lot of courage to quit things that are getting in the way of your progress, but know that over time you will see the benefits. It becomes humbling when you finally make the decision to strategically quit things. Trust yourself and trust the process. If you feel you are going in the wrong direction you can always make adjustments along the way. You got this! … and we are here to help! You vs You.


What do you need to strategically quit? How are you planning on doing it? Let us know so we can learn from each other.

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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