I started Ridiculously Enjoy Life (REL for short) in late 2019 to help others the best way I could. My main goal is for the site to afford each of you some good and healthy resources for bettering yourselves and achieving inner success on your own terms. Nothing but goodness built in.

I have learned so much about myself for almost a decade now and I feel so much happier on the inside. Admittedly it has been the hardest work I have ever done. Almost as difficult as rewiring my 71’ Super Beetle from scratch! I don’t wish that on anyone. Especially without having the VW Wiring Diagram Guide or having all the wires in my car when I purchased the project.

Rewiring yourself can be an endeavor if you haven’t had all the pieces figured out. Doing the work requires a full rewind to see what things have worked for you in the past and what hasn’t. If you don’t know what hasn’t worked reading our posts throughout can help you gain some insight. 

“Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own.” -Bruce Lee

As I said before this is really tough work but you can do it if you set your mind to it. With any type of internal work or any work in general for that matter, I caution you on overdoing things. When we get too many sources with all types of info and many different personal experiences on each of them, we can really get overwhelmed and confused.

Once we get to the overwhelmed and confused part it can be twice the work to get back to where we need. Each person who writes a book, each different podcast we listen to, and each seminar delivers so much information, so we just need to take things with a grain of salt. Also, I think it is very important to start small and build your way up. There really isn’t a need for too many sources all at one time.

I have met people that have truly gone too far with all the latest self-help books and seminar overload and it doesn’t look pretty. This is my caution, do with it as you wish. It’s kind of like going to a gym and seeing all the different machines and thinking they will all be instant magic for your particular situation. It’s just not realistic. You then either go koo-koo or just give up altogether. Please don’t do that to yourself. 

Ridiculously Enjoy Life is meant to be a well-rounded resource for all sorts of internal growth. I also remind you to pick and choose what works for you. Each new day brings you new opportunities to strive for. Try to be positive and optimistic. You will have good days and you will have bad ones as well. It’s ok, just keep reminding yourself why you started your journey in the first place.


If you are here then you are here for a good reason. Thank you for being here! Get started right now wherever you are in life. You will figure it out and it may take some time. Once you know who you are and what you want in life the doors will begin to open up for you. I want you to please pass the website on to those who may benefit from the info. Each one, teach one!

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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