I am a lone wolf. Since I can remember I have been this way and it has certainly molded me to do many of the things that I have done. It’s fascinating to me that I am this way because I am an extremely social person. Let’s say that I am an Introvert/Extrovert. The lone wolf mentality has its good and bad traits.

Lone wolf mentality: is a personality type that describes someone who prefers to be alone and do things independently, such as working on projects and solving problems. Lone wolves are often seen as rugged individualists who are independent, and self-sufficient. They may also be independent thinkers who don’t conform to social norms or follow the crowd and may feel uncomfortable in large gatherings.(according to Google AI)

I wanted to create this post for one purpose regarding the lone wolf mentality. That purpose is that in order for us to truly reinvent ourselves we must truly take it on alone like for real. This doesn’t mean that you would need to be a lone wolf for the rest of your life, far from it. 

We need to be social and we need to connect with others. We are pack animals. When it comes to really growing internally, we should understand that when we are surrounded by others their agendas could end up being ours. Are you willing and determined to put the work in for yourself? If so please proceed to the next paragraph.

Ok moving on. Time alone will afford you the opportunity to reconnect with yourself. It’s time to reevaluate your priorities, your goals, and your dreams. Who are you? Being in solitude you will be forced to be authentic with yourself. This will help you get a lot of clarity on what direction you want to go in. 

You will need to develop a new state of mind, a state of being. The goal is for you to learn the meaning of having an optimistic view of things. Self-reflect and develop adaptability. This will be crucial for your quest and also for developing a growth mindset. These are a few ingredients of the beautiful recipe that is the new you.

You will have to figure it out on your own. What I mean is that you will have to figure out what you want for yourself. You can use our resources and others to help guide you but you will be the one to apply the things you learned on your own. What are your strengths, and what are your weaknesses?

When you finally get to a point where you are happy with your progress then you can then join the rest of your pack. Hopefully, the people you surround yourself with will have the same or similar visions of internal growth. If you are around people who aren’t really going anywhere and really have no aspirations for themselves then you could see how you could end up not changing.

What is your purpose and what is your why? You will hopefully be able to answer that soon. Take on the lone wolf mentality while in this transition and I really believe you will gain so much ground on your journey. I don’t want you to think we have to discard people but be aware of how people navigate their lives. Watch what people do. Their actions won’t lie. 


To become the best version of yourself you need to turn inward. Turning inward will be very important. Learn, grow, and evolve into what you are supposed to be. You got this!

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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