Letting things go can sometimes be extremely difficult. Many of us who are or have been people pleasers can relate on this one for sure. How do we let things go and how do we pick and choose what situation to let go? Sit back and let’s get started.

One of the most important things about, “letting things go” that we need to understand is why we would need to let anything go to begin with. Sometimes it is for our own sanity, sometimes it is because we may be hyper-fixated on something that is not good, and other times it could be things that are just downright toxic for us.

When we are on a journey of self-development there are many things that we need and should take into consideration to propel us in the right direction. If we have situations that we are exposed to or negative people that are just not healthy for us we should take a step away from it and reevaluate its value to us. Is this serving us?

If it doesn’t serve us then we may want to let it go. As we develop our inner growth we will start seeing more value within ourselves and not be bound to unhealthy situations. Like Elsa said in that one cartoon movie, “Let it go, Let it goooo!” Many times it’s just not worth hanging on to. We can’t always fix things or people.

It is very important for you to know that letting things go doesn’t mean that we need to stop caring about others. We still need to care but on a different level and not to our detriment. Empathy is very necessary these days more than ever so please be mindful of that.

Here are some important benefits of letting things go:

Helps with inner growth. It can break negative patterns in your life and help you progress in your journey. Self-esteem and self-confidence will also be cultivated. 

Makes transformation possible. When we are in the process of reevaluating our lives and making changes, we must try to get rid of as many old bad habits and self-destructive behaviors. If we keep allowing things to continue and not letting things go you could see how easily we could just stay in the same rut. 

Gaining mental clarity. You will be able to see who the people are in your life who have your back and those who don’t. This is when you can start weeding people out that aren’t good for you. 

We will develop new and healthy habits. Over time you will be able to let more things go that truly don’t matter and won’t make a difference in the long run. It is such a refreshing feeling. You will be able to also say no to the things that aren’t a part of your vision for yourself. Saying no is also very important. Saying no and letting things go are both skills learned over time.

It can afford us emotional freedom. We can then gain good things for ourselves such as self-compassion, gratitude, acceptance, flexibility, and forgiveness. Each of us deserves these very core items that seem to be overlooked as the years go by.


Be kind to yourself and be kind to others. Sometimes we must let things go. Let go of unnecessary disputes, people that are unhealthy for us, and other toxic things that weigh you down. Start now from where you are with what you have. 

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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