Do you find yourself trying to control outcomes or people sometimes to align with your mission? At times we may be overdoing things because we want the best for others or our individual agenda. I am sure that you mean well, but just want the outcome to be as stellar as possible. Let them! Let them be themselves.
Popular motivational speaker Mel Robbins created this theory called, “The Let Them Theory.” The Let Them Theory is based on her experiences and really could help many of us plagued by stress and anxiety about many things that we can’t control. We sometimes or many times have anxiety about so much in our daily lives that it really becomes exhausting.
The theory is basically a mindset on how we navigate people and situations. We try to push others to see or do what we want in moments that could be stressful because we may feel we have more insight to the potential outcome than they do. What we really should be doing is stepping back and letting them make their own decisions.
Take things with a grain of salt.
There is so much to this that could be skewed out of context so I want to be brief with this post. We are supposed to be working and learning together so teamwork is important but there are many situations in which we need to learn how to let go and let them do what they will do.
Once you learn about yourself and how you navigate life you will more completely understand the Let Them Theory. You have to fully comprehend your tendencies otherwise how you communicate with others won’t make much sense to your internal growth. This is important.
We tend to stress so much about other people’s lives, be it our kids, family members, or friends that we are just exhausting our own precocious energy that we could be using to more beneficial things in our own lives. We will feel happier and less frustrated if we just let go and let others make their own decisions. If you don’t want to be my friend, that’s fine, move on. I will let them. I will let them be them. They are showing their true colors.
Stop taking everyone’s actions so personally. Try to step back and let things flow more organically. You will eventually discover peace and tranquility. Believe it or not, your relationships will start to improve. What’s your mindset?
Let them be them and you be you. It’s ok to help others learn and grow, that’s why we are here, but be mindful of when you need to stop offering advice. Let others make their own choices and you will see that things will work out as they should.
***Disclaimer*** If something is happening that could be dangerous for the other person it is ok to help them by not letting them. Let’s not take everything so literally. Use that beautiful brain of yours. Common sense should still be a thing.