How to Set and Achieve Goals (#286)

Are you tired of running in place with your goals? It seems many of us have really cool goals that we don’t reach for one reason or another. But why? We will dive into how we can set and achieve goals.

We need to first make our goals as clear as possible so that we can start to create a plan of action. Keyword here has to be action. Cool goals with nothing behind them are actually just hopes and dreams. There is a big difference. Make your plan as detailed as possible.

Map it out.

The goal here is to make the goal achievable, measurable, and with some sort of timeline so that you can hold yourself accountable. List some clear steps when you can. If you’ve never achieved that type of goal, there will be lots of learning along the way. Remember, you can always edit these as you go. 

There will be obstacles in your path, so try to anticipate as many as you can ahead of time. Things that you already know cause you trouble. This means that you need to recognize and acknowledge the daily struggles that slow you down. Examples:  phone calls, emails, doom scrolling on social media for no apparent reason, daily activities, responsibilities, and so on.

Ask yourself good questions.

Understanding these will help you achieve your goals. It’s all about time management and weeding out potential bad habits. It is a good idea to have a visual of your goal. Write it down on paper and give as much information as you can. What is the goal? What is the end game? What is the reason? 

These questions are a great way to clarify what it is that you are trying to accomplish. Once you get started you will need to track your progress. Best way to do this is to get a really good accountability partner to help guide you and keep you going in the right direction. If you don’t have one you can always use an app that has a breakdown with metrics. Get a strategy going.

Along the way, you will need to keep reminding yourself of the benefits of achieving said goal. Visualize yourself accomplishing your goal. You would be surprised as to how valuable this can be. 

You can also reward your milestones along the way. A small incremental reward. 

You really need to be flexible and learn to adapt and adjust your process. Some things may work right out of the gate, and others may not. Sometimes, we may not know what we don’t know, especially if we have never done the type of goal you are seeking to accomplish.

If you don’t have an accountability partner and you find yourself struggling, it’s ok to seek help. Perhaps a trusted friend, mentor, or a family member that has your best interest in mind. Seek out the goodness. Also, we have a bunch of goodness here at that you can always reread to get your spark back if you feel you are fading.


Setting and achieving goals is a habit, a good one, but it requires lots of focus and, dare I say, discipline. Yes, discipline. That means you need to keep working at it and hone in on your craft. There will be bumps along the way, and that’s ok. Never give up, because if you do, you lose. Giving up and failing are different. Go get it!


What goal are you working towards? Big or small. Tell us in the comments below. 

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