Get Off Your Butt and Develop Self-discipline (#271)

Self-discipline is extremely important for us to learn about as we progress with inner success. Many believe that it is mainly observed with different roles that we have in society such as law enforcement, security, and our military personnel. Yes, in these types of careers, it is a key ingredient, but we all should cultivate this type of discipline.

Self-discipline: the ability to control your thoughts, emotions, and actions to achieve a goal, even when faced with temptation.            (source: google)

Each day I find myself exercising this muscle in my brain, the Self-discipline muscle. I don’t want to get up at 4:30 a.m. every morning. It’s tough. Even after doing it for years I still have the challenges. I have this self-talk dialog that is almost cartoon-like. The discussion internally usually turns into an argument about the benefits of getting up and getting the day started. It didn’t kill me yesterday so more than likely I will be fine today! HA 

If we can control our thoughts and our actions in any given moment we then can begin to have control over our own path. This is crucial to be able to do. So how do we accomplish this very intimidating task? Start by developing a growth mindset.

Here are some pretty great tips for developing Self-discipline:

  • Get up early. There are so many healthy benefits to waking up early each day. Create a daily wake routine and do your very best to stick with it. Yes, on weekends too. Your internal clock will function and so will you.
  • Get used to being uncomfortable. The more that you can work on this the better. When we are learning and growing we need to take on lots of new challenges. Get excited about it!
  • Create some goals. At first, you can set some small goals that you are pretty confident you can achieve. Sounds silly, but the more you check off accomplishments the more your self-confidence will grow. Having self-confidence will help you develop self-discipline. Trust yourself and your abilities. 
  • Understand what your strengths are currently. What are you really good at? Knowing what your strengths are will help you fine-tune your discipline. Keep amping up the good.
  • State what your weaknesses are. Don’t focus directly on your weaknesses, but you must be able to recognize and admit where you lack. If the lacking parts are things related to preventing you from developing self-discipline then you should really work on that first.
  • Be honest with yourself. You will only be hurting yourself. Be realistic.
  • Learn your why. Why do you want to do what your dream is? Your calling. I know what my why is and I have to tell you it is the most critical component of this thing called life. It is the engine!
  • Understand what willpower is. Resist all the short-term temptations so you can reach your long-term goal. People are always looking for a shortcut to arrive at the finish line. The most amazing stuff will be presented along the journey. Make note of that.
  • Be easy on yourself. To rewire your brain and make new changes will be extremely difficult, so have a clear understanding of what that looks like. It’s ok to be easy on yourself in the beginning. After a while, you must be more strict. After all, that’s why we become disciplined.
  • Practice, practice, practice. I mean this for real. Make it a game.  Let’s say you have issues getting up at a certain time. Change the alarm sound daily and at its fullest volume. Keep the alarm clock out of reach so it forces you to get up. When you get on your feet consider that a small victory. Next, don’t go back to bed. You get the next part.


Self-discipline is one of the most important things to have. Being disciplined is hard work, but extremely worth it. The more you succeed with these the better your overall growth will be. Get used to being uncomfortable and you will go far. Pass it on!!

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