Break All The Rules and Find The Perfect Life Partner (#282)

One of the coolest things about my love story is that the stars aligned for me at the perfect time. And timing in my opinion is everything. I wanted to break all the rules so that I could have the perfect life partner. The way I did it was simple and complicated at the same time.

I immediately decided that I was going to give my amazing young lady my heart completely and wholeheartedly. The only way to do it properly was to be vulnerable. And I don’t mean piecing things out I mean letting her see who I am completely. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

My discovery of this beautiful human was way later in life for me and I had been through several relationships that weren’t good for me. Not healthy ones. This meant that I had unnecessary emotional baggage that I didn’t want to carry on. But how do you not carry on potentially negative things? I could do things the right way. 

This my friends is the really important part. Instead of just starting out with all the warm fuzzies only you have to be real and raw with each other talking about your traumas and triggers from your past. This isn’t pretty and it certainly doesn’t make you feel good at all. The reason we need to do this right away is because when you are new in a relationship you are on cloud nine and don’t want to ruin things.

If you truly understand someone and what they have been through in life you can come from a safer space for them quicker. People just can’t eradicate years and years of scars that’s not how it works, but when we have love and empathy in our hearts it makes it easier for the other to know that you we are safe and trustworthy.

It is critical for both sides to have this outlook when trying to cultivate the perfect life partner for each other. If not it won’t work and it will possibly become a one-sided relationship from there. We are scared to give and get hurt, but if we keep a guarded heart no one will truly be able to get in. That means no one would have you 100%. 

If there is no 100% then what’s the point? You will be wasting your time and the time of the other. No matter what I promise you in the long run you will be very grateful for this information. Be honest with yourself and your partner and discover all the goodness in them. Also, learn the other stuff that paved the way to you. If it’s bad then you both will realize that the bad things get to stop with the both of you. You both can make decisions together.

You will learn how to treat each other. Treat each other with tenderness and understanding. It takes time to heal through the past traumas over previous relationships. You both know what you don’t want. Don’t focus on that, but focus on all the things you do want. There is so much to this type of story that just won’t come out right in text print, so I will leave you with the core of what you need.


To love and be loved the way you want both people must commit and give it their all. No sugar-coating stuff. No false narratives. Go in open-minded and with your heart open for the other to see. If you have walls up the other will put up walls. Take the walls down and love with everything you have!

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3 Responses to Break All The Rules and Find The Perfect Life Partner (#282)

  1. ridiculouslyenjoylife says:

    I love my girl!

  2. Steph D says:

    I love you!

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