Believe in Yourself (#285)

By now many of you who have been following the blog for the past few years hopefully have made some good progress on your internal success journey. Like mine, I am sure yours has been tough and full of unexpected detours. That’s what it’s about. At this point, it is time for you to start believing in yourself.

“A bird sitting on a tree branch is never afraid of the branch breaking, because its trust is not on the branch but on its own wings.” 

-Charlie Wardle

Believing in yourself affects everything you do. I mean literally everything. Your daily decisions and choices will be affected. Do you do or do you do not? I believe this was a Yoda quote! Once those decisions start flowing in whichever direction good or bad it will be a domino effect.

Self-doubt and fear of failure are so bad for our minds. We need to start understanding and knowing that we are competent. To do this we must work on our self-confidence. With your self-confidence in check, you will suddenly realize that you are competent. Confidence/Competent Loop.

Your choices will now be more fruitful with healthier results. Each new day believing in yourself will lead to the next day being successful, even with potential failures. You will learn from those mistakes and pretty soon they will be less and less. Failures don’t go away and that’s ok, that’s where creativity can come into play if you let it.

The key to success is believing in yourself. Internal success takes time to cultivate so please remember that. If you don’t believe in yourself no one else will either. 

 Here are some super cool benefits of believing in yourself:

(if you’re like me you like more info)

  • Development of a positive mindset. Being able to focus on your mental health and well-being will help you align with a healthier outlook on life. You will see the sunshine through the clouds! This will certainly aid in your happiness.
  • More resilient. You will hopefully be able to spring back from failures quicker. Making peace with the uncontrollables is a great skill so work on that as much as you can. I promise you will feel much better. Say, “I am resilient to the daily grind issues.” You will be capable of getting knocked down and then getting right back up. Just like those crazy Bop Bag Punching Bags we used to play with in the 80’s. Google it! 
  • More effective motivation. Setting and achieving goals will start to happen when you truly believe in your abilities. You are capable! Your drive and determination will be stronger than ever and you will have less and less doubt. That’s good stuff.
  • Healthier relationships. Whether at work, at home, with family, or with friends when you develop confidence you will stand up taller and SHINE. You will start to project yourself in a better light which will make your presence that much more desirable. Cool, huh?!
  • Personal growth. We must continually learn and grow for this to work. It’s a full-time gig. You will notice that you will want to start taking on new opportunities and challenges along the way.
  • Better productivity. Your focus will improve. Believing in yourself is kind of like a superpower. Use it wisely.
  • Adaptability. Each circumstance that arises gives you the opportunity to test out your “believing in you” skills. This means you should start looking forward to new challenges to overcome.
  • Better decision-making skills. If you believe in yourself and you trust yourself you will find that making decisions become easier.


There are so many benefits to believing in yourself and with each new day you will be adding one new brick to your self-confidence pile. Not literally of course! 

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