An idle mind is the devil’s playground. Through the years I have heard this term and really didn’t have much thought about it until recently. Recently my mind has been somewhat idle and not much progress going on. That my friends is not good at all.
As the phrase suggests when someone’s mind is less active they could be susceptible to letting in negative thoughts. This in turn could create negative actions. One could also be prone to self-sabotage. I am not suggesting that during this rumination time period people would be self-harming although that is a concern these days. As always please seek professional help if this is happening to you.
During the time that the mind is idle with little to no progress toward our goals, we could just be feeding ourselves bad thoughts. Thoughts of being worthless and feeling down about ourselves. The negative thoughts just start pouring in and eventually, we will spiral into our own pity party. That’s not a party I want to attend at all.
I think that negative thoughts about ourselves just keep festering and making us less productive with things we want to accomplish. We could then end up giving up altogether. Next, we could find ourselves meddling in other people’s lives and thus judging them. This as you could imagine isn’t healthy at all. Luckily I haven’t gotten to this stage. I am very fortunate to have worked hard on myself and I know when is enough.
That time is now. I have had enough, no more time time wasting. It is time for me to get back to work and make forward progress. I am now at the point where I am trying to fill my time with positivity and goodness. I must stop endless scrolling on social media and seeing all the chaos. This is a big one. So much unhealthy stuff. Viewing road rage, hatred, war, and more. I didn’t want to see any of that.
I was originally hoping to see beautiful cars, kind gestures, and the goodness humanity could bring. My mind really likes experiencing healthy learning, nurturing, and just great chin-lifting stuff. Our social media tends to breed chaos and we end up around it like moths to a flame.
To get things going in a healthier direction I would suggest doing some homework.
- Identify the cause. Do you know why you are in this state? You have to try to pinpoint the root cause otherwise you could just keep going back to being on the playground with negative thoughts.
- Try to engage in simple activities. This should help you jump-start the goodness again. You don’t want to overwhelm yourself at the beginning. These activities should be healthy for you. Listen to some good music, maybe working on a cool puzzle or even an art project.
- Mindfulness practice. It’s a good idea to retrain the brain. If you have been in an idle state with nothing but negativity, try to soak in some goodness. Going for a walk and taking in the beautiful world around you can do wonders. Observe your thoughts during this time without judgment. If your brain wanders towards negative stuff just take a moment to redirect to something positive. It will take some time.
When your brain is stuck in idle bad thoughts could take over and just make a mess of all the goodness you are trying to accomplish. It just sucks. Don’t sit with idle thoughts long. Redirect your mind and let the positivity start to flow. There is always a way you just have to make the decision to find another way. Go get it!!!