Attack!!! We are now going to deploy new methods of empathy. Now more than ever we need as many people out there trying to do the right thing for others. We need caring and empathetic people to get things going. Is that you?!

The world is hurting still and I want to make it our mission to try to contribute to humanity the best way we can. Each of us can make someone’s day brighter. You make a difference and so do I. Even if it’s just one person.

This post is due to what I see around us daily. I see people walking around sad, down, and seemingly disconnected from others. For us to deploy tactical empathy to those in need we first need to recognize that it doesn’t take a lot to get things going. In many cases, a kind smile, a genuine hello, a warm hug, or holding the door for someone can make a huge difference.

We reference attacking and tactical above, but what we mean is purposeful and with love. This is a mission that should never end. I would like to think that it will become a part of who you are. Connecting, learning, and growing are key ingredients to help others. 

Approach others with good intentions and coming from a safe space. Then magic can happen. We want to bring people back to life and we want people to start having faith in humanity. When you go out next make it your goal to deploy some of the above tactics to people. Try to get someone to turn their frown into a joyous smile.

Make it a game. (not a game of playing with people’s minds but of doing the right thing) Try to get a conversation started with someone who seems lost and down. You may be surprised what you hear. It may be something very sad in their world or it may just be that they were lost in their heads about what is going to happen in their board meeting the next day. 

Once you start connecting with other’s even briefly you will start to feel the goodness. This goodness hopefully will carry on. Perhaps that person you connected with will pass that same goodness on to someone else. Paying the smile forward would be a wonderful byproduct.

I have noticed that since the pandemic has gone away I have tried to slowly get back to being human again. My beautiful and amazing soul mate has helped me get out of my shell. I am getting back to reconnecting with others the way I was meant to. It is such a powerful emotion and when used correctly can truly make a difference.

Each new day I do my very best to deploy tactical empathy. I do it in the most organic way possible. No fake emotions or just saying things to say them. It is all with substance and goodness in hopes of making a brighter future today. 

(bet you thought this was gonna be a violent post, huh?!)


Be a good human because we are seeking human kindness! Hold your hand out to lift others up and you will see how others around you will soon follow. Do it because you truly care!

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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