In this motivational video series, we set aside some videos that may have some impact on you. I personally am a visual learner and I thrive on my mind constantly working. We add a few videos with lots of flavors! Some of the videos may not resonate with you and that’s ok. Take the goodness out of the ones you can and run with it. Please keep in mind that having motivation is great, but you need to have action with it. Rev up and GOOOOOOOO!!!!

I resonate with hard-hitting and amped-up motivational videos sometimes depending on where I am at. This video grabs and keeps your attention if you are good with Drill Sergeant tactics.

This video I thought was pretty cool! A calm and cool approach to motivation.

Another in-your-face video to get your mind working! Sometimes we need to jar things up a bit to wake up and realize where we are.

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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