What the heck is all this mindfulness talk?! I’m aware of what I’m doing! Many believe that mindfulness is meditation. Mindfulness is pretty much being aware of what’s going on around you, while meditation is being aware of nothing. To achieve mindfulness we must first be aware of ourselves. According to Oxford Languages as it relates to meditation,
Mindfulness: a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.
Understanding mindfulness
When we have engagements with others for example, at a grocery store check out line and you let someone in front of you. You were aware of the other person near you and you were being considerate to them. They may have had a couple of items to purchase, while you had a whole cart full. Or just simply being nice.
Being mindful is being aware of the present moment without having all of the mental dialog going on from the past or future. Additionally, mindfulness of the here and now, soaking in all that’s currently around you lets you be calmer within. This takes practice because many of us are so preoccupied with things that truly don’t matter right now. This is why so many people missed that beautiful rainbow on the way to work.
Mindfulness and meditation are pretty much interrelated but aren’t the same. Being mindful is a quality possessed within, while meditation is the practice of being calm and still. Being mindful helps the action of meditation to be achieved over time.
Understanding meditation
Meditating can be really good for getting clarity within yourself. The process can be very challenging for people who have minds that are constantly wandering. I myself had this issue. I mean really! I have done my best to meditate every day for some time now and little by little I am seeing the benefits of it.
My day seems to go better especially by doing it in the morning before the day to day stuff interrupts me. Meditating doesn’t make problems go away, but it certainly helps create a balance within to be mentally stable to handle whatever comes in my direction.
Being aware of yourself through your actions and combining them with mediation helps align you with being a happier person. I don’t even have road rage anymore! That’s a big one because I was always a speed racer everywhere I went and didn’t take kindly to the crazy people that cut me off. No biggie, don’t sweat it. They truly don’t matter so don’t donate any energy to them. Be intentional about your choices. To achieve mindfulness it is good to have good meditation techniques.
4 Tips for Mindfulness
Achieve mindfulness by
- Concentrating on your breathing to relax. When you pay attention to your breathing it will help you be present. Understand that you are right here, right now. The awareness of your breathing pattern keeps you in this state.
- Soaking in the goodness around you. Look at the moon and the stars. (in the evening of course) During the day take in the cloud patterns in the sky. Look at animals in nature and appreciate the wilderness.
- Being aware of what you’re doing throughout your day. Be kind to yourself and to others. The more you do this the more mindful you will become.
- Meditating regularly. It is truly a gift to yourself, but you must give it your all.
- Find a happy and comfortable place in your home or in nature to sit.
- Set a consistent routine of time to make it a healthy habit.
- Do it during a time where there are normally no interruptions. You can also turn off notifications on devices to help with this process.
- Start out doing it for just a few minutes at a time. Many want to start practicing with 20 to 30 minutes and quickly give up.
- It’s ok for the mind to think and wonder that’s what it’s supposed to do. When you drift off try to catch yourself and when you do promptly come back to the present moment.
Mindfulness is an internal behavior and meditation is the technique that will allow you to get to be calm and still. Combining the two and using them daily will set you up for success. Keep at it!