Pick out three, creative people who inspire you. If they collaborated to make a product/solution, what would it be? This could be really fun to do and it may even motivate you to get those creative juices flowing on that cool invention. But what would it be and how would you go about doing it? Something to do with my life purpose for sure!

Ok, my three people would be myself, Tony Stark, Morgan Freeman, and my bonus person would be my girl! Yes, I have a bonus person in on it what’s it to ya?! 🙂 This would be a core team called, “Team STARC.” And yes this is the right way to spell it for me so there’s that. Let’s begin.

I feel I qualify as a creative person and I certainly wouldn’t want to farm out creating a cool product. My brain is always in a creative mode no matter what. Sometimes I think it’s pretty crazy and it gets me excited about doing things. Creative things. I love to problem solve and I always bring a lot to the table no matter what environment.

Next, would be Tony Stark. He is a person that inspires me! So what if he is a made-up character from the Marvel Universe. He is a brilliant inventor, genius, billionaire, and philanthropist. Being a tech guy I believe that he would be an incredible asset to my team. We would build all kinds of cool tech products to help the world become a better place. 

Arriving on the scene next would be Morgan Freeman. Everything that this man touches turns to gold. He is what I consider to be, “God.” Not literally but you know what I mean. When this man speaks I seem to listen intently. He would make a great cult leader. Let’s not encourage that though because the world already has enough chaos. People would need to believe in the product that we would be making and I think he is the perfect person to pitch it. Agree?

And for the bonus person, I am picking my girl, a.k.a. Doll Face. This young lady is a marketing genius and she has all kinds of skills to help get the product in front of as many people that would benefit from it. She has the sweetest soul and is a wordsmith! She brings a whole arsenal of stuff to the table as well.

Ok so finally let’s move on to talking about what type of product/solution we would create. I would like to create a technology-based marine reef system that would be able to help the oceans all around the world. This system would have technology built in to repair itself along the way and also a data monitoring system to track progress, needs, and so on. Additionally, it would have cameras for remote access with wifi. Time to collaborate.
(NOTE: WiFi is not currently able to work at the depths we would need and that’s one reason we got Mr. Stark onboard)

I want the reef systems to be able to grow via an underwater 3D printing system and work with the marine life around each of the regions around the world to be a healthy source of life and be in harmony with one another. Each coral reef region has different needs depending on which ocean they are in. Not all are exactly alike so it would be important to build to suit. This would be a really kick-ass system and I believe we could use this as a healthy solution for the long term. Our marine life deserves a fighting chance and after all, we as humans have caused most of the current destruction to them.


Pick out three, creative people who inspire you. If they collaborated to make a product/solution, what would it be?

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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