22 Relationship Values to Cherish Part 2 (#279)

On Ridiculously Enjoy Life we often talk about many great ways to reach inner success, but we haven’t really talked about what it takes to have a healthy and happy relationship with a love interest. We are now going to get into relationship values to cherish. This is such an important post and I hope each of you are able to take a bunch of goodness from it.

This post is inspired by my real-life ride-or-die relationship. My “Life Partner,” she is considered my girlfriend from society’s point of view but she is far more superior to that. It doesn’t feel right to call her my girlfriend. I usually introduce her as my girl! Our relationship is based on this list below and I am thrilled to share it with you guys.

Please understand that to have a true and genuine relationship there will be ups and downs and all-around, and it takes work. Daily work. You don’t just get to hit the easy button and expect to have a perfect partner. Sorry, that’s just not realistic. Both people need to want to fight for each other to make the magic happen.

I have compiled a list below that I think is super important to know, understand, and implement into a healthy and long-lasting relationship. This is Part 2, but please check out Part 1 if you missed it.

22 Relationship Values to Cherish 12-22

12. Empathy. You must have the ability to share and truly understand the feelings of others. Look at it from their point of view. This can be difficult in heated moments, but if you are willing to be completely vulnerable you will be surprised how things turn out.

13. Commitment. This is big. You must be dedicated to your partner wholeheartedly. There really isn’t a gray area here, either you are or you aren’t. You are pledging your soul to each other. There is no one-way street.

14. Forgiveness. We mess up and make mistakes from time to time. Your partner may have said something and you may have misunderstood what was meant. If you have a partner that you know in your heart has no ill will for you or others then it makes it easier to forgive. I personally have good intentions in everything I do so does my girl, my life partner. This for me makes it easier to understand where she is coming from. If you don’t have someone that you trust with your life then what’s the point? Let that sink in and think about it. 

15. Shared values. We can’t always be 100% on everything that we like, but we should absolutely have a majority of shared values. Life is better to navigate with someone who has a moral compass pretty similar to yours. To me, I think this one is a no-brainer and the whole, “opposites attract” may be a little skewed in some ways. People can be opposites for sure, but values should align.

16.  Independence. Having a sense of individuality is very good. You don’t want to be dictated or have no self-purpose as you navigate life with someone. 

17.  Admiration. This is a beautiful and positive value to cherish. This emotion really shows approval, appreciation, and respect for others. It’s above oneself. 

18.  Support. To have a healthy and happy relationship there must be a significant level of support towards one another. You must care for them, listen to them, and always make sure that they know and feel that you are and will be there for them no matter what.

19.  Finance. This one is a tough one but I wanted to include it. Each of us should be able to navigate monies and have at least average credit scores or above. Having money issues brings relationship issues regardless. Simple and straight to the point.

20.  Accountability. Our actions require ownership. There are consequences and we should rise up and take responsibility. I accept my mistakes. We should always do our very best in this department. This is a great value to have. Each of you should be accountability partners for one another.

21.  Listening. Actively listening is really, really important in any relationship. Acknowledging other’s feelings with intention. Stop talking and hear what the other is truly saying. Our first instinct is to defend ourselves. That’s built in so be easy on yourself. Practice, practice, practice and over time this will improve. Listening requires mental focus. I have a focus issue, but I do my absolute best to be present and listen.

22.  Curiosity. This is such a super cool value to cherish for sure. Me and my girl are like two little kids in a candy store pretty much in everything we do. We haven’t lost our wonder in life and we won’t ever, it’s built into our DNA. Please don’t ever lose your wonder. 


Having really good values that a couple can share and cherish together is a beautiful thing. Talk about the above values and see where you and your significant other stand. Keep the goodness going!

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