We are not immortal. We will expire at some point, we all do. Lately, I have been contemplating my own mortality and it really is getting to me. I haven’t had many people that were close to me die so I don’t remember what it feels like. 

Let me expand on this just a bit. When I was very young I had a lot of family members around me pretty much all the time. But then once my mom moved my sister and I back to the mainland from Puerto Rico we had none of our family near us. Years went by and we only suffered the loss of my grandmother and my grandfather on my mother’s side. 

We loved them dearly, but we hadn’t been around them for a long time. Also, we were far apart so we didn’t see them suffer through their illnesses. As years went on we grew further and further apart from our other relatives on the island since we were so far away from each other.

In high school, we lost a lot of kids due to gang violence but none of them were truly close to me and I hadn’t bonded with them on a grand scale to truly feel their loss. After high school, I moved around a lot and never truly planted my seed in any one place nor did I form long-lasting relationships with others. 

Since the pandemic and hearing about so many people dying it really makes you think about it more. So many people dying at such young ages from all sorts of things. Many people are being diagnosed with terminal illnesses. It’s devastating to hear. I have never been served with a small timeline for a death certificate and I truly can’t imagine how it must feel like to go to a doctor and get tragic news like that.

How do you help those around you who have received news that they will be dying soon? What can you say? I am to the understanding that you can’t really say anything. No matter how good of intentions you have or how empathetic you are, responding to others who have received this news just won’t help. 

I am used to always trying to help those around me and I am so frustrated that I have no idea how to provide anything at all to someone going through this. The advice I was given was to just be there and listen. Try to send thoughtful and organic communication to these people regularly so they don’t feel truly alone. They will certainly feel alone with their timeline, but at the very least it shows that you care.

I always want to come from a safe space with my people and I want each of you to know that I care. My heart is filled with love, absolute love and I do everything with the best of intentions. To me, love will prevail no matter what. When you give the unconditional love to others in need I don’t think you can go wrong. 

If you or someone you know is terminally ill please let us know in the comments anything you feel will be helpful for others to add to this post. I always want to try to be there for others in the way they need during their time. Everyone is different of course, but the more info we get the better we can make this post. I will add suggestions through updates.


We are not immortal. We all start dying the second we are born. Some are faster than others. Please make the most of your time here and try not to take things for granted. Love wholeheartedly and do your best to treasure each moment with the people who mean the most to you. Tell them you care and tell them you love them before it’s too late.  

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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