Self-care and self-love practices are now finally starting to make their way into our progressive society. Why did it take so long I wonder? Either way, we are here to understand the importance of them.
Teach me, Seymour!
When I was growing up I had never heard these terms. We weren’t taught about caring and loving ourselves. I recall only hearing to be nice to others and do unto others as you would want to be done unto you.
That is all well and good, but it’s not selfish to love yourself. When I had heard about self-love in the past decade I always envisioned egotistical and self-centered people. It could be true, but it’s clearly not the majority and those types of people are in all walks of life. Myth busted!
I have compiled a list of some important ways to show yourself that you matter each and every day. Please practice them as this will have to be learned and implanted over time.
Self-care habits to implement in your daily routine
Go out into nature. This is definitely a healthy way of getting back to you. Soak in the beautiful sights around you and be grateful that you have the ability to do so. Others may not be so lucky.
Get some good healthy rest. Get into a grove with it and develop a sleep routine. You will thank me I promise! In my opinion, you should get at least 7 hours of unbroken rest. Look it up!
Show gratitude for what you have. Believe it or not, there are many people that are praying to be exactly where you are right at this very moment no matter what.
Get some creativity juices flowing. Take up some type of cool hobby that interests you. You deserve it. Find something that speaks to you. I personally love art and photography!
Exercise. Like for real. Picking your remote and your cell phone 100 times per days isn’t where it’s at. Most of these new phones are really heavy! HA But for real do some good workouts at the gym for a bit or yoga at home. Walk, run, or whatever will help you. They say at least 20 minutes per day, but go for more and be an overachiever. I feel like I put this stuff in many of our previous posts because it’s so important.
Drink lots of water throughout the day. Drink even when you are not thirsty. Many of us wait until we feel we need to drink but that won’t give us enough. Do try to limit the sodas or drinks that are not good for you. You know which ones.
Keep in touch with good friends and family. Blood or no blood, if they are filled with goodness make sure to keep up with them.
Take time for yourself. Turn off the noise and turn off the people. Discover what helps you unwind.
Note: self-care and self-love are a part of each other. Love is first and the care part is essentially self-love in action.
Self-love habits to implement in your daily routine
Put yourself at the top of your priority list. Or at least close to the top. My kids are my priority but I am learning to have a balance to sway back and forth. After all, if we don’t show our kids how to self-care and self-love they will be spinning their wheels trying to please others their whole lives.
Speak kindly about yourself. Stop and listen to what you say. You would be surprised how harsh we can be to ourselves. Let’s try to correct that, shall we?! Words truly do matter.
Minimize comparing yourself to others. Another thing you should pay close attention to. It should be you vs you to help you grow.
Be forgiving to yourself. It’s ok to make mistakes. Just learn from them. You got this!
Learn to say no. You have to know when to say no. It is truly an important thing for self-love. We tend to overcommit because of fear of disappointing others.
Find your healthy energy. This means to learn and understand what you are being exposed to daily. People, places, or things that could be harmful to yourself.
Learn to develop yourself. Evolve and grow within. Do this from the heart and you won’t go wrong.
There are more to add to this list but this should get you heading in the right direction. Please make yourself a priority.
Please read all of the above and repeat. You may go! 🙂