When we are working hard towards our goals for a while with little to no visible progress, we can often stop and wonder “Why haven’t I reached the next level?” It gets frustrating day in and day out and not getting the rewards of your hard work. Not all goals have visible transitions like building a house. We can see each piece of wood and each brick take shape to form a home. Just know that it’s not if you will be successful but when.

Today we are often at full throttle and want everything to line up magically with little to no effort. Why? Why do we want to reach the finish line before going through the motions of progressing little by little? The answer to that may be pretty complex. It could be that during this era nothing takes too long. We demand quick fixes, instant gratification, and other unrealistic results.

Through time our society managed to invent some pretty neat time-saving devices that made it all effortless. The microwave, the cellphone, the internet, and so on. So it’s pretty easy to figure out how we got this way. All the shortcuts are proving to be short-term and short-lived. 

We need to understand that skills and talents need to be cultivated over time. The results will be more fruitful when we put in the work to get it. So a suggestion is to stop spending so much time and effort into finding shortcuts to the things you want and just dive deep into whatever you are trying to accomplish.

I am not saying that tips, tricks, and hacks have no value in our lives, but be aware of which take away from the experience themselves. Our brains are hard-wired for shortcuts by default. Know that all the hard work you do now will pay off in the long run. It’s not if, but when. Get inspired!

It’s only a matter of time for the results to be clearly visible.

Just like stocks, investments overtime yield the best results. (there are some amazing exceptions to this but you get what I mean)

Here are some benefits of staying the course:

  1. You will have a grander appreciation for the work you put in.
  2. You will stand out from the crowd by being a dedicated individual.
  3. The feeling of confidence will lead to knowing that you are competent.
  4. Knowing that you are competent will help you stay in the fight.
  5. It’s a numbers game, eventually, it will all work out as long as you have put in the necessary work.


Knowing that it’s not if, but when will go a long way on your quests in life. Never give up and always know that you are able to conquer any challenge as long as your heart is in it. Leave the shortcuts to things that don’t mean as much to you.

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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