Communication skills during this day and age is extremely important. We have a big and beautiful world out there with people spread throughout and not everyone sees things as we do. It’s just a fact. That’s what makes it amazing! But there are lots of communication issues regardless of place of origin.

You add in technology, upbringing, our individual history, misunderstandings, emotions, ego, temper, and so on and you can see how we may fall short of being effective communicators when the time is needed. We need to try to do our very best to break that cycle within ourselves. 

To be a powerful communicator there are many many things that we must/should do to get as close to effective as possible. We can’t control how the communication is actually received by the other party, but with empathy and understanding as to who they are, will help a lot.

First, I believe it’s a good idea to understand how we receive information ourselves and what our history has shown us regarding how we process it. Do we jump the gun and get defensive if it’s heated? Do we make it heated without knowing that there was in fact no reason to get that way in the first place? 

Stop battling every day.

Some of us are so used to battling in our everyday lives and our work lives that we have no idea how separate and defuse ourselves. Get yourself in check first or don’t expect the opposing party to comprehend your delivery. Misunderstandings are very common in communication.

Many times we aren’t even fully processing what the other one is saying that we make up our own story as to what their intentions truly are. We are most likely going back through our mental history reel and comparing it to what Sally Jo or Bob said to us back in the day in a similar situation which is completely counterproductive to the conversation at hand. Or is it? Perhaps since you were already on that aisle in your mental library you could quickly reflect on how that situation turned out. Yep, I bet you may have misjudged that situation, huh?! 

Our brains are just wired that way. We learn little by little by comparing things to how they may have worked out before. When we first start walking we take little motions and then we get a result. Oops, we fell. Do we get up with anticipation that we will walk? Absolutely, but first, we need to build up courage and work through it to get it right. Sometimes we may just sit and pout because we didn’t do it. Get up and try again!

Be open to understanding. To be continued on Part 2.


Take a look at how you communicate at the present moment. Is it hard for people to understand you? Why do you think? Information is key. Become a powerful communicator!

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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