The Confidence/Competence Loop (#78)

The confidence/competence loop is a very beneficial tool towards achieving pretty much anything in your life. But what is it exactly? To begin to understand the loop we need to first break it down into bite-size pieces. confidence: the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something;… Continue reading

5 Tips on How to Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable (#76)

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. We have so many potential opportunities that arrive right in front of us and we may not always seize them, because we are feeling uncomfortable. The what-if thoughts show up in full force ready to break us down. The mind is a beautiful thing, but… Continue reading

The Importance of Creating A Drop List (#75)

Each day we get more things added onto our plates to do. These things could be from our work, our significant others, or any other source. The additions could be taking time away from things that we want to do in life. In order to maximize our time, it may… Continue reading

7 Essential Tips For Self-awareness (#74)

Having self-awareness doesn’t mean that you have to sit on a mountaintop while having a come to Jesus meeting with yourself. Nowadays people ruin the whole idea of self-reflection and personal development, because of all the over-saturated self-help books and videos. Most truly don’t get it.  self-awareness: conscious knowledge of… Continue reading

If at First, You Don’t Succeed Edit, Edit, Edit. (#70)

If at first, you don’t succeed, edit, edit, edit! In life, we get many opportunities to rewrite the script, but many of us don’t fully comprehend that we actually have that ability to do so. Growing up you hear your parents, teachers, and others say, “If at first, you don’t… Continue reading

What No One Tells You About Discipline (#69)

The importance of having discipline is paramount to anyone who is wanting internal or external success. Hopefully both, right?! When you hear the word discipline, you may rewind to a time in school where the bad kids got yelled at. The thought is usually negative, none the less. Strict parents,… Continue reading