There is a storm brewing! A brainstorm that is and there is lots of goodness built in. Do you work or collaborate in a group? If so this should be a great blog post for you. Brainstorming is a whirlwind of goodness!

When collaborating with others and you have to come up with goals, timelines, agendas, and outcomes it is always a good idea to have a brainstorming session. If you can work with great and open-minded people that’s one great perk. If not you will have to find good and healthy ways to compromise.

Compromising and being open-minded will help with the common goal of the group. Creativity will flow so much better when the group sets up some brainstorming rules. The rules are mainly to help keep the group on track. Each group will more than likely be different but the core rules should be to work together as a team. The more minds you have the better. And also the more difficult it can be.

Here is a fantastic list of how to brainstorm effectively:

(no special magic order)

  1. Be intentional about creating. Try to stay on track with the creative process and minimize the unnecessary and unproductive sidebars. After all, there will be a timer running.
  2. Keep an open mind. Afford yourself the ability to expand your mind with your own ideas and most certainly open your mind up further to others’ ideas.
  3. Leave the egos at the door. People sure like to talk about themselves and what they have accomplished be it in that corporation or all others previous. Ego will not serve anyone any good. Be mindful of that throughout the entire session. You will be surprised to see ego’s ugly heads showing up often.
  4. Create an agenda. What do you want to accomplish in that one session? Broadcast this to the group well in advance for preparation. 
  5. There are no dumb ideas. Like for real let all the ideas come through. You would be amazed as to what can happen when you think an idea is dumb and then you really dig into it. It could end up amazing.
  6. Write down every idea. This one is really important so don’t forget. Write them all down because later you may need to resort back to other ideas.
  7. Brainstorm together. If you can do it live and in color with the whole group at the same time then that’s great. I just made a statistical discovery writing this post that I had no idea would be better but in fact studies are showing that brainstorming sessions are more productive and free-flowing when done in the virtual/online realm. Who knew right?!
  8. Set timers. Announce and allocate a healthy amount of time. Not too long or you will lose people and not too short where nothing will be accomplished. For real actually set a timer and manage time effectively!
  9. Clarify the brainstorming topic. People need to know the end game and understand fully its creative purpose. You will thank me later.
  10. Set the ground rules. The ground rules should be just that rules to follow. Don’t just take it for granted that everyone will know that it is counterproductive for too many interruptions. On the flip side of that sometimes magic really can happen when someone is interrupted with productive stuff related to what the person was saying or expanding on it. This will be your gray area. Know your team and know the personalities. Add humor to it and it probably will be received better. People don’t like to be treated as a child or micromanaged.
  11. Quantity over quality. It is after all a brainstorming session. This should be messy, but it should be fun and adventurous. Let the ideas flow. Good or bad it truly doesn’t matter. To brainstorm you need to get a lot out.
  12. Judgment-free zone. When we are busy judging others we end up closing ourselves up. That is no good for a brainstorming session. Don’t criticize others.
  13. Brainstorming sessions have no room for negativity. Don’t be a Debby Downer. Try to bring as much positivity to the group as you can whether you are the administrator or as a member of the group. Positive minds work best!
  14. One person at a time. Use the round table method which will help with the flow. Encourage the group to also write things down themselves when a thought comes into their head for when it’s their turn. Minimize those distractions so that all can pay attention to whoever is speaking at the time.
  15. Do not make a final decision in that session. The purpose of the session is to let as many ideas come out. If the group feels they need to hurry up and come up with a solution then the group will water the ideas down thus making the session pointless.


Brainstorming sessions can yield amazing results with the right people. If you have a lot of oppositional people you’ll have to create new strategies to keep the group focused and creative. Go and make the magic happen!


What other things would you add to the list to help others?

Write them below in the comments! Team work!

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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