What is the best part of what I do? There is so much goodness that it is hard to pinpoint one thing. I will tell you a bit about all the best parts of what I do. It is a fun story so sit back, relax, and have a lemonade and a smile! Soda isn’t good for you. 

I started Ridiculously Enjoy Life because it was apparently something I had already been doing for most of my life. Connecting with others and helping is what I enjoy most so it made perfect sense. I kinda lost my way for a little over a decade, but luckily I came back and discovered myself. 

Once I discovered who I was again I was able to start working on myself and improving certain areas of my life. It has been a long journey filled with twists and turns, but they were on my terms. I understood that certain things needed to happen at certain times of my life for me to get the direction going in the right way.

You guys being on this journey with me inspires me more and more. Additionally, as I meet new people and I get to hear your stories I get to build REL to higher levels. I love chatting with people and giving them some goodness that they may be able to apply to their daily lives for the purpose of self-improvement. We learn and grow together.

When I was young I was always talking to all kinds of people. A lot of times I discovered that I had these chats about life with older people and they always seemed to resonate with me. I believe I was building up my “Library of Wiseness.” Wow, I just came up with that I think! Yep, I found nothing on it in Google, so I will claim it now!

Being able to connect and help people helps me out probably even more than one would think. My need to connect with others is extremely important. Each of us has a wealth of information and experiences on tap. Life isn’t a one size fits all thing, so we get to edit the stuff that suits our specific situations. 

So, besides connecting with others and hopefully helping others on their journeys I combined my art with REL. I love art and I love painting. Painting for me is extremely relaxing and therapeutic. It calms my brain which is always firing at 100mph. I get to share my passions with others. 

My art is a very important part of who I am. Like much of the world, we either found sadness from the pandemic or managed to make something beautiful out of it. I decided to make something beautiful. The pandemic helped me bring back the art that I had lost for whatever reason so long ago. 

This to me was a very important situation that opened up my eyes. I could apply this type of mentality to other areas of my life. I could make lemonade out of lemons whenever I had weird situations come up. It is my choice of how I react to things. It is also up to you guys in your own individual lives.

I discovered my passion as I was going. It was always there I just needed to learn more about it and how I could hone in on strategies to help others on a grander scale. Creating the business and having a social media group with it has helped tremendously.


I absolutely love what I do! It is in my blood and I want to share and connect with the world around me. Find what speaks to you and run with it.


Do you love what you do? What do you do?

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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