12 Things You Should Do Every Day To Live Fearlessly

(no magical order)

  1. Wake up early. I promise you if you wake up early before the rest of the world wakes you will get so much done. I have proven to myself that I am truly more efficient when I wake up earlier than all others. There are fewer distractions, the phones aren’t ringing yet, and all the notifications are silent as well. This is such a beautiful thing! To prove this, go to any major city at 530 in the morning and look up at the wealthy apartment buildings and the not-so-wealthy apartment buildings. Which lights will you see on? Mostly on the wealthy side, because they are up making moves! Go get it.
  2. Have gratitude. Being grateful and understanding that there are many people that are praying to be where you are right now. Even if you think you aren’t doing so well. There are always others who are less off than you. There is so much to be grateful for. Here is a quick example. Your head left the pillow this morning, right?! That’s a graphic view, but you get the point. You are alive and breathing!
  3. Create a healthy routine. Take a look at your overall lifestyle and what you want in life and tailor it to where you are setting yourself up for success every day. Include good and healthy habits. One can tie into another and so on. Nothing but goodness.
  4. Make your bed. I am very serious about this and I hope you already do it. There is something so soothing about the feeling of ending a long day and hopping into a made bed. There was actually a study completed by the National Sleep Foundation that discovered that it may actually improve your sleep quality. I have sleep issues personally so I haven’t received that benefit but it absolutely looks like I have my life organized. And better yet it is said that it helps you be more productive in your day. Hey, you made your bed right when you got up, that is one task already done. Great job! 
  5. Prioritize sleep and exercise. Both of these are so very important for you to lead a healthy. Try your best to develop a seven days per week sleep and exercise routine. Go to sleep and wake at about the same time every single day. It will make you feel better. Also, include doing more than 30 minutes worth of exercise every day. Try not to do exercise right before bed. It will go against the grain of your sleep time routine.
  6. Pay attention to the foods you eat. Do your very best to stop eating so much junk food that is over-processed. The weird names in ingredients should be a big red flag. For real! Also, try to watch where you eat at on the go. There is one place that sells a chicken sandwich with 55 ingredients! What?! Who needs that many ingredients in a basic chicken sandwich? 
  7. Meditate or have something that you do to be completely in the present for a period of time. For me, it is really difficult to do traditional meditation but I have figured out something that works really well for me. I call it, Walking Meditation. Maybe someone else came up with the name, but whatever they are just copying me. HA!
  8. Reduce distractions. We live in a world with so many distractions from every angle. The more we reduce them the more productive we can be in our days. Live your life fearlessly!
  9. Begin the day with a purpose. What is your why? Once you know this, you will be farther along and your days will absolutely have more value. 
  10. Have a call to action. Do the hard stuff first. Try to set your day up the best way you can by doing the crazy hard stuff first. Why? Because decision fatigue will set in and you will lose your stamina pretty quickly. Don’t believe me? Reflect on your next day’s tasks that are difficult in the afternoon. You’re welcome!
  11. Take some breaks throughout. Seriously try to get into a good work rhythm. Time boxing is a great way to work through your day.
  12. Learn, learn, learn. Keep on learning as much as you can every single day. Learn about cool stuff no matter what it is. Your brain craves knowledge!


Live fearlessly every day. These 12 quick tips will get you on your way! If you find value in this content please share with others!

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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