Life Quotes Defined (#274)

Here are some cool life quotes that I will break down on how I view them. Remember, everyone has their take on quotes. Take whatever goodness you can from them and add your own as well. Enjoy!

If you actually went back in time to some of your perceived negative situations you could see that the way you handled it was most likely the reason it was so dramatic. Here is an example: let’s say you got into a car accident. Your car is destroyed and so is the other. You become enraged and furious about the fact that the other guy ran the light and hit you. You have good car insurance, they have good car insurance, and luckily no one was injured. What’s the problem, it was an accident? Let it go and be grateful you didn’t die. Some people carry unnecessary baggage through life and completely overlook the goodness out of situations. Practice and learn to react in a more positive way.

Just because your father was a Doctor doesn’t mean you have to become one as well. That may have been his dream and sometimes parents try to pass that on to their kids. Don’t get caught in this trap. Also, the family business could be a big red flag for you. Discover your passions and know your why. You can be the hero of your own story and you have all the abilities to do so, after all, you have the pen in your hand. Write your own story.

Have you found your calling and are doing that each and every day? Why are you still in a job that you don’t like after all these years? We aren’t guaranteed time, time is finite and running out each second that goes by. Sorry to be so dramatic, but in many cases, people will never pay attention to life until it is presented in this way. Don’t be on your deathbed wishing that you could have done things differently if only you had the chance. You have that chance at this very moment as you are reading this. Make the necessary changes to have a more meaningful life. I promise it will be worth it in the end.

This quote kinda plays off of the one above. When you discover what makes you happy you can keep doing it. Since we don’t have infinite lives get started with understanding the things that really speak to you. Smile, be silly, and pass it on to those around you. I have always been a happy-go-lucky type and I enjoy life the best way I can. Sure, there are periods of sadness, but I understand when that is and I try to not sit with it too long. If feels better to be happy!

This is super cool and I really like this quote. The half empty, half full glass thing. I much prefer to see it as the glass is refillable so stop worrying about where the level is in the glass. See how I took the perspective to a whole new level? This is a great example of how we view things. I choose to look at things differently. Over time our brains start to shift in a better way. Practice this!

I don’t really want to go to the gym, but I want to have a healthy body. The gym is the storm to me and the rainbow is the body. I must weather the storm to get to the other side and see the beautiful results. The sun’s rays creating an amazing prism of colors! There are sacrifices we must make in life to achieve the results we want. Do the work!

Look forward to making mistakes. I know it sounds weird, but I have learned the most by making mistakes. When I make a mistake I then reflect on what went wrong and what went right. Sometimes you don’t know what actually went wrong and that’s ok. Take in as much information as you can. Learn from the experience overall to help you next time. I promise it actually does work. Be open and be willing to admit how it played out. Each mistake will get you closer to many victories. Trust the process and have faith in yourself.

Stop scrolling through social media wishing you were able to do different things. This makes things worse in your life. Envy isn’t a good feeling at all. Believe in yourself that you are confident and competent to make things happen on your own. Each new day gives you another opportunity to create magic. Don’t limit yourself.

This one has been a really tough one for me because you just don’t know what you don’t know. I believe everything happens for a reason even if we don’t know why. I have had many things play out weird and I thought it was bad luck. Only after a significant amount of time went by that I realized that that one perceived negative thing was actually the catalyst to bring me goodness where I am at in the current moment.

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