The entrepreneurial spirit is a mindset. This mindset is backed with lots of motivation and drive! What drive are we talking about here? We are talking about that sweet Italian machine or any other sports car of your choice that’s in your driveway! Doesn’t that sound amazing? Ok, back to the subject at hand. 

The drive we speak of is from an individual or a group of individuals that embrace challenges and create opportunities at every turn. Having like-minded people in your corner can be pretty exciting. Do understand that the entrepreneurial spirit isn’t something you can grab off the top shelf and put into play. It is a mindset that is built in from the factory in most cases. In other cases, it can be developed over time.  

“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.”

– Bruce Lee

 Entrepreneur is defined as a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so

Having the belief

It is my belief that the entrepreneurial spirit comes from people with a growth mindset. People with a growth mindset are the type that always looks to expand their own horizons. You have to have the belief that anything and everything is possible. It is!

The entrepreneurial spirit is a development over time. It’s not something you can be taught. There are lots of characteristics that go with it and there’s no magic formula. It is a mix of good things and bad things that develop over the years that can create it. How you handle each situation is up to you. You can either learn from it or get burnt from it.

Important qualities to have that help you build your entrepreneurial spirit:

(no magical order)

  1. Be creative. It is important to think about how things work and what the process is. If you don’t have something, create it. Being creative helps you problem solve pretty much everything, so get that brain fired up. 
  2. Be resourceful. Today we have so many avenues of resources so take advantage of them. Talk to people, research and connect in the online world and in real life. Always utilize the tools that are around you. 
  3. Brainstorming. Get into the mindset of being able to sit and throw out ideas. Write the stuff down. This is a habit that will always help you in the long run. Uncover a need and work to solve it. 
  4. Problem-solving. This is a mindset that is useful. Someone that looks at things and wants to understand all aspects of it is key. Use the knowledge you already have to approach problems. Next is to learn about it. You can combine the successes and failures of what you learn in the interest of developing an outcome. When you understand and comprehend it makes it way easier to problem solve.
  5. Natural leader. Being a leader is important because to take on new business ventures you will need to set up your core. The core relates to a team. A team of people that will have your back and be able to work independently will make your life easier.  
  6. Risk-taker. Taking calculated risks is a big part of the entrepreneurial journey. You have to be comfortable with jumping on an opportunity when you see it. Over time you learn how things play out and you can use it to help you make decisions with future endeavors. 
  7. Optimistic. You have to look at everything with some good ole fashioned positivity. Being able to find the good in the bad goes a long way. Approach each situation with the feeling and the belief that the outcome will be grand. Yes, things go sideways but don’t anticipate it because more than likely you’ll get that. Besides feeling that things are all going to work out just make you feel better.
  8. Never become stagnant or complacent. This is a big part of it. When you get comfortable in a situation it’s time to change things up. But why? Because when people get comfortable they put themselves on autopilot so they don’t have to think much. Yes, it’s sad, but it’s true. Your brain is naturally wired to find shortcuts in life. Change that.


The entrepreneurial spirit is not something that you can get off the shelf. It’s created over time through experiences. Some good and some bad. Combining the two is a part of the recipe for the drive and determination needed to have the entrepreneurial spirit.

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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