3 realistic tips on how to be a patient person. Do you have patience? Are you the type that gets frustrated after 5 seconds of waiting for a video to load, the microwave to complete the cooking process, the light to turn green and so on?

Our generations are losing patience at an alarming rate. 

When I was very young life was at a slower pace with things that took some time. We had to wait a whole week for that great new cartoon to come out. We had a sense of peace. But it was getting faster paced as each year went by and making us less peaceful. Fast forward to today and the instant gratification way of life has completely taken over. Instant everything. Just a few clicks on your mobile phone and you can have goods delivered the next day.

Patience is running low with regarding so many things, that any given situation can set you off. Before you know it you come home from work angry and frustrated for no real reason. The waiting for that long light, the wait at the bank, the wait for a little old lady to cross the street has caused a chain reaction. The rest of your day is shot and your loved ones are now in the crosshairs. Every situation is compounded. “What the heck, I started the day in a great mood?” Now I am pissed!! boo.

Recognizing our triggers.

At this point, it is up to you to realize if this is you. If so, why? Make notes of things that are causing you to be impatient. If everything frustrates you then you may have a bigger issue and this isn’t that show. But there are lots of resources to get you some good help with that. Smile. 

Once having a general understanding of the triggers that reduce your patience you should create small tests for yourself. Get in that line and think of cool things you like. Distract your mind from the line of people. Don’t let the person in front of you rattle you due to their huffing and puffing every 5 seconds about why they don’t have more cashiers. Don’t get on that train. Take some deep breaths and keep thinking about goodness. Sounds silly I know but it can work if you take the time to do it.

Negative people have a way of moving that thermometer up within you, so just ignore it. If you pay attention to your breathing you may quickly realize it’s no big deal to wait those five minutes. On a side note, if you are in line at the bank to deposit your check take a look at your mobile phone banking app. You may have the ability to do a deposit by phone. You may have not had to wait in the first place and could have been doing something more meaningful to you. Yes, you can use that smartphone as a tool and not just another way to see people you don’t know rant about all the crazy in their lives.

Once you have created a sense of peace with situations you will discover that stresses start to melt away. Stress is a build-up of many things in our life and if you can let go of as many uncontrollable situations as you can, your patience will start to increase. You must create a new and healthy habit to achieve being a patient person.


Your job now is to have your list of triggers in your brain or on paper for the purpose of attacking each one methodically. 

Below is a good recipe to help.

My current trigger that’s making me impatient is_________.

1. Slow down- Take your time so you can be aware of your surroundings. This will give you the opportunity to understand the need to be patient. Yes, you will have to baby step this. 

2. Make it a game- Now that you’ve slowed down and understood why you are being impatient, it’s time to sprinkle in the fun. Take some deep breaths. Seriously, do it. Breathe into your nose and out through your mouth. Count to 10. (Be cautious of counting out loud in front of other people around you, because it scares people. They may think you’re gonna explode. Don’t be that person please) Breathing in will be 1, exhaling will be 2 and so on. When you get to ten then start over if you aren’t calm and patient yet

3. Delay the end result- While doing your breathing, slow down the trigger even more in your mind. If it’s traffic, stay a little bit further back than the car in front. You know when you’re impatient and pissed you will get as close as you can to the car in front so no one gets in between. Let that go! 


Today we have way more things going on every minute of every day and our technology is getting faster and faster. Our patience is getting less and less because of it. We know things are faster so if something delays our gratification the frustration rises. Take in as much goodness as you can, so that you can appreciate more. Drink that coffee a bit slower. Taste all the individual flavors and savor them! When you do this your other things will be less problematic. The whole stop and smell the roses will really make sense to you now. If not you’re fired! Ok, I am kidding but you are on the verbal warning list now. 

Are you aware of what triggers your patience? What’s your biggest impatience?

******Please respond to the questions here with us so we can learn and grow.  The good and the bad will help others recognize successes and failures in our own lives.******

 Thank you so very much!

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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