Ridiculoulsy Enjoy Life is a multipurpose blog with several key parts in the pursuit of happiness that I believe will fit nicely together for the bigger picture.
There are several parts to the blog. One part is about the process of achieving enjoyment in life. There are so many different views on the enjoyment of life and I’d like for us to explore them together! We’ll meet wonderful people along the way that have reached happiness by their own definition and get more info on what it takes to achieve and maintain it. Additionally we’ll meet people that aren’t quite there yet but are positive and open minded to assist them in their journey to “Ridiculously Enjoy Life!!!”
Next is the almighty topic, “success.” A fascinating word that has many perceptions of it’s meaning. What does success mean to you? Lets lay it out in a productive and engaging manner. With this information the plan is to bridge the gap between people who aren’t successful and those who are. I have recently been checking out Addicted2Success and I like the approach very much. There’s such a great variety of resources!
For me I’m in the pursuit of excellence within myself! I have discovered so many amazing things about myself and what I want out of life. Learning new skills about the enjoyment of life and implementing them into my life will help me teach you. Also, discussing here about your life experiences will all of us in so many ways. We all bring amazing things to the table, regardless of where we are in our journey. That being said, sit back, put your seat belt on, push the “Start” button, shift to drive, remove your foot off the brake and hit the “GO” pedal!!!!
“The Constitution only guarantees the American People the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.
-Benjamin Franklin or whoever coined the phrase since it seems to be in debate. 🙂
Use it or lose it! Relates to dopamine in our bodies. Over time your levels of dopamine decrease if not replenished. In short, it’s best to seek out things that make you happy and increase dopamine levels. Check out our blog